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Embracing Pauline Mission Strategies for Effective Gospel Proclamation in Urban Contexts
AMA86_AddisonNdziTallaSharevar el = document.getElementById(‘share-link-86108049162’);el.params = {title: ‘Embracing Pauline Mission Strategies for Effective Gospel Proclamation in Urban Contexts’, link: ‘’, skin: ‘blue’, content: ‘’};
Cognitive Dissonance in the Christian Church Today: When Lives and Failed Relationships Betray the Lack of Faith
AMA86_JamesLangteauSharevar el = document.getElementById(‘share-link-24704338455’);el.params = {title: ‘Cognitive Dissonance in the Christian Church Today: When Lives and Failed Relationships Betray the Lack of Faith’, link: ‘’, skin: ‘blue’, content: ‘’};
Missional Curriculum for Theological Education
AMA86_SakuneeKriangchaiponSharevar el = document.getElementById(‘share-link-60205503053’);el.params = {title: ‘Missional Curriculum for Theological Education’, link: ‘’, skin: ‘blue’, content: ‘’};
Pneumatiphobia and Pentecostalism among the Yoruba Christians in Nigeria
AMA86_BenjaminAkanoSharevar el = document.getElementById(‘share-link-70720515103’);el.params = {title: ‘Pneumatiphobia and Pentecostalism among the Yoruba Christians in Nigeria’, link: ‘’, skin: ‘blue’, content: ‘’};
Effects of Interfaith Dialogue on Christian Missions
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The Extension of the Gospel in Thailand and the New Wave of Latino Workers in the Mission
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BOOK REVIEW: From Womb to Tomb
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2024년 4/4 분기 EWC 선교사역 스케치
사무총장 윤석원 선교사
“나는 항상 소망을 품고 주를 더욱더 찬송하리이다.” (시편 71:14)
2024년 한 해는 참으로 다양한 일들로 가득한 여정이었습니다. 예상치 못한 도전과 어려움이 있었지만, 주님의 크신 은혜로 모든 순간을 잘 이겨낼 수 있었습니다. 무엇보다도 EWC와 함께해 주신 여러분의 헌신과 사랑이 큰 힘이 되어 주셨고, 덕분에 이 한 해를 감사로 마무리할 수 있게 되었습니다.
다가오는 새해는 아시아 교회의 …
Asian Missions Advance, 85
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