Globalization and Mission
Mission today has become a multi-ethnic enterprise, from everywhere to everywhere. Globalization has had a great impact on the strategy of world mission. The church has the responsibility of proclaiming the unchanging Words of God to a changing world. To do this, we must not only have a correct understanding of the message of God, but also a wider perspective of the changing world in which His Words will be proclaimed.
This book contains a vast number of articles and papers presented at the AMA 12th Convention, Manila, Philippines, 2016.
More info →Discipleship in the 21st Century Mission
Compendium of the 2013 Asia Missions Association Convention
More info →조동진의 21세기 선교행전
비서구세계 선교의 선도자로 1960년부터 반세기가 넘도록 아시아, 아프리카, 라틴아메리카에서 새 선교세력이 일어나도록 선구자의 길을 걸어온 조동진 박사가 1999년 만 75세로 세계선교의 여러 공직에서 은퇴한 이후 20세기를 넘어 21세기에 들어서면서 10년 동안 세계선교의 미래를 예측하고 과거를 회상한 자전적 선교행전
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